What is World Security Congress of Railway

 What is World Security Congress of Railway

Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) or International Union of Railways (UIC) and Railway Protection Force (RPF) are coming together to organize 18th World Security Congress in Jaipur this year from 21th to 23rd February.

Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) or International Union of Railways (UIC) represents the railway sector and promotes rail transport worldwide. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) is a prime security and Law Enforcement Agency in the field of Railway Security in India.

What is 18th UIC World Security Congress 2023

Being the prime railway security agency of India, it is only natural that RPF leads nation’s efforts in the field of railway security both at national and international levels. 

Having assumed the chair of UIC Security platform, DG RPF has taken up measures to enhance the involvement of member organizations operating in Asia, Africa and several other developing countries with similar demographic pattern so that their voice could be heard and concerns addressed by the multilateral platform provided by the UIC.

 It is in this backdrop and with India taking over the mantle of the presidency of the G-20 group of nations; India will be proudly hosting the 18th World Security Congress for the International Union of Railways in the Pink City Jaipur.

 RPF will be the host for engaging with the delegates (Security representatives) of the Member Organizations of UIC.  In the year of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, there is a need to showcase India, its rich cultural heritage, soft power and its progress at appropriate international platforms. The UIC World Security Congress will be one such opportunity.

What is theme of The 18th edition of the Congress, centred around the theme of "Railway Security Strategy : Responses and Vision for Future", will be attended by the Heads of Security of Railway Organizations from across the world, apart from the concerned officials of UIC, partner international organizations, Indian Railways, RPF and senior police officials of India.

 It will be an event befitting with the occasion of India taking on the leadership of hosting Railway security delegates from around the world. RPF is geared up to host impactful deliberations on issues of concern and challenges for Railway security across the world and has devised the sessions in a way to focus on second order problem solving matrix so as to come up with practical and immediately implementable solutions that will result into a transformative metamorphosis of railway security across the globe.

 The Congress will start with inaugural session on 21st February 2023 and conclude with a valedictory session on 23rd February 2023. Rest of the Congress is divided into 4 sessions with underlying sub-themes of “Protecting Critical Assets & Freight”, “Human Security Approach”, “Best Railway Security Tools & Practices across the World” and “Vision 2030”.

Previously, in 2006 and 2015, RPF India had successfully organized and hosted the International UIC World Security Congress in New Delhi. It is a matter of great pride the Director General of RPF, Shri Sanjay Chander IPS, has taken over as the Chairman of the International UIC Security Platform from July 2022 to July 2024.

Background of International Union of Railways (UIC)

Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC) or International Union of Railways (UIC) headquartered in Paris, France is the professional association in existence from 1922, representing the railway sector and promoting rail transport worldwide. 

UIC is on a mission to promote interoperability and standardization of rail transport, increase cooperation and sharing of best practices, support members in new business and new areas of activities, and to propose improved technical and environmental performance of rail transport, improve competitiveness and reduce costs. 

The UIC promotes strategic and tactical co-operation amongst world railway sectors as it negotiates its evolving relationship within global governments and security scenario across continents.

The UIC security platform is empowered to develop and formulate analyses and policy positions on behalf of the rail sector in matters relating to the security of persons, property and installations. 

This security platform is responsible for organizing international events from time to time on the issues defending common interest of UIC members in the security field, promoting the exchange of information and experiences among the Security Directors of UIC members, proposing shared interest and indexing projects at Global and regional level as dictated by members’ requirements or external event.

In a global scenario where criminal elements exploit the advantages of networking to devise newer ways and means of attack, it is highly imperative that positive forces also come together to face such challengers.

 Security Platform of UIC, being an international body recognized by the UN, is well suited to facilitate its members by providing a platform to share ideas and best practices.

What is Railway Protection Force of India

The Railway Protection Force (RPF) is a prime security and Law Enforcement Agency in the field of Railway Security in India. Having been constituted in 1957 for better protection and security of Railway property, the force has evolved itself from its main role of protection and safeguarding of Railway Property to additional roles of passenger security and passenger facilitation.

 With changing times, the role regarding passenger security and facilitation has been gaining in prominence. RPF has now embarked upon a journey with a view to set up a glorious tradition of providing best possible services to railway passengers. The force today fulfils an active role in meeting the objectives of the Indian Railway. 

It today identifies the changing security needs of the railway and its customers and adapts itself by equipping itself with skills and resources and implementing innovative solutions. RPF currently has the distinction of being the central force of India with largest share of women (9%) in its ranks.

 To meet the widening gamut of responsibility, RPF has launched several operations for security and facilitation of passengers.

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